Q. What is a Continuing Education Credit?
A. Continuing Education Credits equate to 50 to 60 minutes of instruction time. Each profession has its own unique term for its credit program.
Q. How many credits do I need?
A. Continuing Education requirements vary by profession; please see your profession’s requirements:
Q. What does “pending” mean?
A. Pending means we have applied for accreditation but have not yet received final approval. NAIOP NJ may not always receive final approval by the date of the seminar, but you can still earn credits for attending the event. You will receive credits once we receive final approval.
Q. What do I need to bring with me to a seminar?
A. You must bring a government issued photo ID (e.g. Driver’s License). Make sure to follow the sign in and sign out policies and instructions given that day by the coordinator to receive credit for attendance.
Q. Can I leave early or arrive late and still receive credit?
A. It is NAIOP NJ’s policy that you must attend the entire instructional portion of the program to earn credits. We cannot offer partial credit.
Q. Why don’t you offer credits for my profession?
A. NAIOP New Jersey is exploring credits for additional professions. If you would like to us to provide credits for your profession, please let us know and we will work on making it happen.
Q. Do you offer credits for states other than New Jersey?
A. NAIOP NJ does not currently offer credits outside of New Jersey but you may be able to apply your credits towards your out of state license. Please contact the agency that administers your profession’s continuing education for more information.
Q. Why are you offering credits for some professions and not others?
A. We try to offer credits for as many professions as possible at every seminar. However, the content of seminars and requirements for different professions dictate what credits we can offer.
Q. The seminar was 3 hours, why am I only earning 2 credits?
A. The number of credits for each seminar is determined by the amount of instruction time. The networking and other non-educational components of seminars do not count towards instruction time. The number of credits is estimated before the seminar and cannot be changed if the seminar happens to go over time.
Additional Questions? Please contact Programs and Education Manager Ayisha Miles (732-729-9900).