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The New State Plan & Post-Election Analysis

The New State Plan & Post-Election Analysis
14 Nov 2011 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: The Enterprise Center at Burlington County Community College, Mt. Laurel

Registered attendees (33)

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Date Name
14 Nov 2011 hutchinson, ed
14 Nov 2011 Young, Ben
14 Nov 2011 Pepsin, Renee
14 Nov 2011 Lemieux, Linda
11 Nov 2011 Smargiassi, Josh
10 Nov 2011 Isdaner, K.C. - plus 2 guests
09 Nov 2011 McDermott, Brian
09 Nov 2011 Vlastaris, George
09 Nov 2011
09 Nov 2011 Needleman, Howard - plus 2 guests
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