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Effective Air Cover for Local Officials Who Support Your Controversial Development Project

  • 22 Feb 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Zoom Webinar


  • Colleagues employed with a NAIOP NJ Member's firm, subject to verification.
  • Log in for discount.
  • Non-members must pay in advance.

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Zoom Webinar

Let's get real! Preempting local opposition to commercial development is nearly impossible. When lawn signs sprout up and social media posts begin to spiral, many elected officials fear the consequences of their appointed land use boards approving warehouse and other controversial projects.

Join this webinar and learn from some top public relations and political consultants on how to effectively wage a “campaign” in support of local officials who are willing to stand up to opposition that goes well beyond legitimate concerns and into pure NIMBYISM.


  • Ted Zangari, Chair, Sills Cummis & Gross PC


  • Daniel Bryan, President, Bryan Strategies Group
  • Phil Swibinski, Chief Operating Officer, Vision Media Marketing, Inc.
  • Kate Gibbs, Deputy Director, Engineers Labor-Employer Cooperative, ELEC 825
Refunds will not be made on cancellations received within three business days of the event. If you must cancel or make a substitution, please contact NAIOP NJ at 732-729-9900 no less than three business days of the event.

NAIOP New Jersey Chapter, Inc. (NAIOP NJ) is a not-for-profit trade association. Every dollar you invest with NAIOP NJ supports the promotion and protection of the commercial real estate industry in New Jersey.

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